速報APP / 生活品味 / In Ya Faith Gospel Ministries

In Ya Faith Gospel Ministries





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:719 Lambs Creek Road Mansfield, PA 16933

In Ya Faith Gospel Ministries(圖1)-速報App

Carlton Barber came up with the name IN YA FAITH because you have got to have faith to get saved and your faith has to grow by faith. So you can make it by grace through the struggles and trails and tests of life!! Carlton says " I sing from the songs of Zion from deep within my heart, so the song will bless and encourage others". He preaches from the gospel of the lord Jesus Christ, born of a virgin Mary and he gave his life on the cross we could have eternal life in Heaven someday. Carlton also says"This is my God given calling and without my working for my master, I feel my faith would be dead". Carlton is the 2017 Independent Music Artist Best Gospel Artist!!!

In Ya Faith Gospel Ministries(圖2)-速報App

In Ya Faith Gospel Ministries(圖3)-速報App

In Ya Faith Gospel Ministries(圖4)-速報App

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